Minecraft 1.21 Mods
Many mods introduce new stones or ores. Excavated Variants automatically adds new ores for each combination...
Controlify Mod [1.21.4] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a mod that provides top-notch controller support for Minecraft:...
Cat_Jam Mod [1.21.4] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a clientside mod compatible with Fabric, Forge, and NeoForge,...
Thanks to Exline’s Furniture, you’ll be able to decorate your home with furniture and other...
This modification will help those who enjoy playing hardcore mode with others. From now on, after the...
After installing Easy Elytra Takeoff, you no longer need to figure out a way to get airborne using elytra:...
A small mod that allows a stray to spawn instead of a regular skeleton in any location. The default probability...
A small gameplay tweak that allows you to remove mobs from boats and minecarts using the combination...
The tweak will allow you to use enchantments even underwater. The enchantment table will now ‘find’...
With BBP, you can easily create beacon pyramids. To do this, right-click on the main block while holding...
The modification allows you to create woolen slabs by combining a pressure plate with wool. They won’t...
With this mod, you can open a shulker box directly from your inventory. Just take the box in hand and...
The modification allows you to harvest and replant crops by right-clicking. Additionally, you can chop...
A rather cheaty modification that adds compressed and super-compressed bone meal, which allows you to...
Thanks to the mod, certain items dropped on the floor will now be highlighted. You can customize the...