Minecraft 1.21 Mods
This mod will add a road sign block to the game that can be customized. The block has a special interface...
Need to quickly change your skin without visiting a website? Or do you want to play with a different...
Mo Glass will add glass half-blocks and stairs to the game, with textures that seamlessly connect. This...
Crawl allows you to crawl on the ground, moving through one-block high spaces (default key is ‘b’)....
Here is an add-on for JourneyMap that will be useful for both multiplayer and single-player games. With...
A decent modification that allows experience orbs to gather into one large unit. This will reduce lag...
This tweak will allow you to see what’s inside a shulker box without placing it on the ground....
An extremely simple but useful mod that removes the ‘murkiness’ of the water, allowing you...
Particle Rain will replace the snow and rain animations with real particles, and also add a beautiful...
RevampedWolf will change the behavior of wolves: now at night they will howl at the moon, and when a...
Thanks to OpticManager, you can configure brightness, day and night duration, lighting at different times...
The mod adds much more information when you press F3. You can also customize the mod to remove what you...
After installing the modification, you will be able to apply fire resistance enchantments to any item,...
A port from the OpenBlocks modification that will allow you to use a convenient elevator in the new version...
Shoulder Surfing will change the third-person view (F5); now you will be looking over your game character’s...