Minecraft 1.21 Mods
Firefly bushes are new plants that bring the beauty of these glowing insects into the world. These bushes...
This mod is part of the Dungeons and Taverns series, updating the vanilla witch’s hut and adding...
A very useful modification that will help preserve your worlds by automatically creating copies in a...
EMF is a modification that adds the functionality of custom entity models from Optifine. With it, you...
AnCore Lib Mod offers a comprehensive set of utilities that simplify and enhance mod development, ensuring...
Easy Hammers introduces robust multi-block mining hammers to Minecraft, designed to enhance efficiency...
Client Tweaks Mod [1.21.5] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a collection of tweaks designed to help you eliminate...
Emissive Entity Textures will add support for glowing textures to the game, similar to what’s available...
This mod adds a new structure to the game—a giant fortress of malefactors, generated in the plains....
CraftTweaker Mod [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a mod for Minecraft that allows you to customize the game. CraftTweaker...
YetAnotherConfigLib Mod [1.21.5] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a library for modifications that allows other mods...
NetherPortalFix Mod [1.21.5] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] ensures that when you return from the Nether, you will...
A mod aimed at adding interesting and unique biomes that fit perfectly into Minecraft while using only...
After installation, the display style of player indicators will change from classic to a more modern...
Small Biome Towers will introduce towers to the game that spawn in forests, swamps, taigas, savannas,...