Minecraft 1.21.3 Mods
By using Placeable Blaze Rods Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1], you will have the ability to place fire...
Qrafty’s Halloween Villages Mod [1.21.3] adds eerie ruins to dark oak forests. You can now encounter...
Terralith Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a large-scale modification that completely overhauls world...
39 views ❘ November 7, 2024 ❘
Ascii Like Shaders [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is an unconventional shader, with which the entire environment...
More Tool Variants Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] will add new variants of tools (including brushes)...
Scarecrows Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] will add two types of scarecrows to Minecraft. The first one...
Countered’s Terrain Slabs Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] improves world generation by adding slabs...
Hudder Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] introduces a highly customizable interface with game information. You can...
Scribble Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a client mod that simplifies book editing in Minecraft! It...
Terrastorage Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] is a customizable mod that adds amazing item storage capabilities...
Golden Poisonous Potato ReAdder Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] adds joke items—golden poisonous potato and enchanted...
Laser Bridges & Doors Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] introduces a laser block that creates laser...
Noisium improves world generation performance. It works by optimizing the placement of blocks during...