Minecraft 1.21.1 Mods
A series of small improvements that, when combined, create a significant impact! BadOptimizations...
Thanks to Chiseled Bookshelf Visualizer Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1], you will be able to see the titles...
A useful mod for builders that adds a particle generator block to the game. This block has flexible and...
The mod will allow the player to enamel diamond, iron, and chainmail armor with the ability to dye them....
Useful Brush is a mod that expands the functionality of archaeological brushes in Minecraft. Now, the...
With the Real Arrow Tip mod, the appearance of arrows will now match how they look in the inventory....
An industrial mod offering a large number of new blocks and tools, such as mechanical presses, conveyors,...
Along with the mod, vending machines will appear in villages, where you can buy random items for emeralds....
Realistic Rowing Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] makes rowing a boat in the game more realistic. For example,...
Thanks to Sound Controller Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1], you can adjust the volume of each game sound...
A mod/datapack that reworks all the main biomes of the Overworld and adds seven entirely new ones! It...
Have you ever tried to hit a mob, but grass gets in the way? With this simple mod, you won’t have...
Navigate coordinates efficiently by always having a compass on your screen that shows you the way to...
More Beautiful Fences & Gates Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] adds a huge number of new fences and...
Lacking pointers in the mines and signs requiring too much attention? Arrow pointers allow you to place...