Minecraft 1.21.1 Mods
Create a teapot for yourself and brew tea in it from a variety of ingredients, such as milk, cactus,...
Simple Health Bar Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1] replaces the standard health bar in the game with a...
ChestESP will highlight chests, allowing you to see them through walls, similar to how it’s done...
The modification will turn obtaining paintings into a process of collecting. Paintings will no longer...
Grabby Mobs changes the mechanics of how mobs interact with items. In the vanilla game, there is only...
Lava Turns Sand into Glass — this is a small mod that makes lava turn sand blocks into glass upon contact....
The mod helps you find identical items in your inventory faster. Now, when you hover the cursor over...
A customizable mod that adds labels and colored beams to items lying on the ground – a useful feature...
A small mod aimed at adding a variety of new blocks for construction. The modification seeks to expand...
Signed Paintings allows you to display images from the internet as vanilla paintings. To do this, you...
Better Trees will enhance the appearance of vanilla trees in Minecraft’s Overworld. It modifies...
A mod/datapack that brings dynamic lighting to Minecraft. Using a light block for illumination, it adds...
A series of small improvements that, when combined, create a significant impact! BadOptimizations...
Thanks to Chiseled Bookshelf Visualizer Mod [1.21.3] [1.21.1] [1.20.1], you will be able to see the titles...
A useful mod for builders that adds a particle generator block to the game. This block has flexible and...