Mod Types: Fabric
List of mods for Minecraft using Fabric API and Fabric Loader. By using Fabric as the modding platform, these mods can be easily installed and managed, ensuring compatibility between multiple mods.
This mod adds two new mechanics related to thunderstorms. Firstly, creepers now have a chance to spawn...
A simple mod/data pack that introduces triple jumping. The new enchantment allows the player to jump...
The modification will add only one new block to the game – simple redstone clocks that tick regularly,...
Thanks to this mod/data pack, a useful feature will appear, making pouches significantly more practical...
With ImagineBook, you will be able to add images to books. You can add an image in the usual mode so...
A simple mod that allows you to pick up any mob into your inventory and carry it with you. To do this,...
StarHUD will add new HUD elements that will make gameplay significantly more enjoyable. You will be able...
Cinderscapes will add six incredibly beautiful and atmospheric biomes to the Nether, while completely...
This mod optimizes the server part of the game, which will lead to improved frame rates and responsiveness....
The mod will add enderite to the game – the successor of netherite. You can mine it in the End...
Netherited allows you to use a book, a netherite ingot, and a smithing table to obtain a new enchantment....
TechReborn is a remake of the technical mods GregTech and IndustrialCraft 2 for newer versions of Minecraft....
A simple mod that allows you to collect poison (specifically, a potion of poison) from cave spiders and...
The mod will add new types of boxes for stack storage to Minecraft. They do not have the usual inventory....
The mod will allow you to connect fences with a chain: up to seven blocks apart. To place a fence without...